UvA '24, MSc Computational Science student, Software Engineer, Researcher
I am a growth-driven graduate student in Computational Science at the University van Amsterdam.
I am intestested in software developement, machine learning, computational modelling and research in geometric deep learning.
I want understand how things really work.
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Programming Languages: Python, C, CUDA, Bash, R, LaTeX
Tools: Pandas, Numpy, SciPy, TensorFlow, PyTorch,scikit-learn, ggplot2 Linux, Git
Most recently, I worked on geometric deep learning and sparse representations of point clouds worked with researchers from the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab. Previous work in machine learning includes an Expedia Hotel Recommender system and a Multi-Objective evolutionary algorithm to beat MegaMan II.
I have some experience in multi-threaded programming with posix threads, openMP, AVX Vector instructions in C and GPU programming using CUDA and openACC. See Many-Core-Processing.
I have extensive experience with computational models. Projects include an Agent-Based model of EU energy market, an Ising and Celluar Automata model of fractal patterns in Arctic Melt Ponds and Network and ODE models of disease spread.
I have 1.5 years of professional experience from previous positions in IT project management. I am familiar with Agile project managment, SCRUM, ITIL4, ITSM, SaaS platforms (ServiceNow) and experienced working in a global environment with various stakeholders. I hold a PRINCE2® Foundation Certificate in Project Management
I have over 3 years of extensive experience developing software in python and 2 years of sparse experience in R. I have worked with popular python libraries including pandas, numpy, mpl, numba, pytorch, tensorflow, dask, CuPy, seaborn, networkx, mesa and many others.
I have 3 years in experience in data science. This includes data wrangling, analyses, and visualisation, but also experimental design, statistical power analyses and hypothesis testing. Projects include my interative police bias visualisation, an Expedia Hotel Recommender system, my exploration into Latent Variable Models and subcomponents of many other projects.
Some of the projects I am passionate about.
I work together with Dr. Clelia de Mulatier on a novel classifier based on minimal data and hypergraph reconstruction.
My work at the AMLAB was in geometric deep leaning, specifically in research about sparse representations of point-clouds and feature extraction algorithms.
As a Digital Risk Intern, I was working with project's software architect to capture requirements and implementation details for a global DevOps, ITSM and ITOM solution.
With consistent excellent academic performance and drive to learn new skills, I follow my graduate degree in computational science. I am particularly interested in software engineering, high performance computing and machine learning. I want to understand how things really work.
Working in Project Managment Office (PMO) to support a large global transition project to integrate now SaaS IT-infrastructure. Tasks included being central point of contact in a global environment, analysing billing data, reporting and coordinating team work-packages.